Dearest Pumpkin,
You came. We hugged. We wept. We smiled.
We celebrated. We chilled.
We kissed. We slept.
We cherished.
Time flies. A week gone.
You left. It's over.
It's dull. It's empty.
It's lonely. It's bared.
Memories and feelings
Bottom of my heart
Pumpkin, Thank you so much for the surprises and all that you have done to me. Not to mention only the birthday but the whole journey we have been together.
I treasure you, I love you, and I thank god that i have found you.
Happy 7th Anniversary Pumpkin!
We could not be together, hand in hand, side by side to celebrate this meaningful day this year.
Is okay (:
We still have our 70th Anniversary to be planned for (:
Lastly, please do take good care of yourself and please love yourself before you love me (:
Huggies. and Night.